
May Freighter is an award-winning, internationally bestselling author from Ireland. She writes Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Sci-Fi Mysteries that will keep you entertained, mystified, and hopefully craving more. Currently, she's attempting to parent two little monsters and hasn't slept in over 4 years.Who needs sleep these days, anyway?On days when May can join her fictional characters on an adventure, stars must align in the sky and meteors will probably rain down. So keep an eye out.Her hobbies are photography, drawing, plotting different ways of characters' demise, and picking up toys after her kids. Not exactly in that order, either.

If you want to know what she's been up to lately, you can always check her latest Newsletters and subscribe to her weekly updates.

Helena Hawthorn Series - Urban Fantasy

Helena Hawthorn Series Spin-Offs

A Vampire in Love Series - Paranormal Romance

Empire of Shattered Crowns - Epic Fantasy

Annalise Storm Chronicles - Sci-Fi Mystery

Current Projects


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